Never before...

have I ever hated...
not like this.

my love to you faded,
but my oppened eyes was a bless

now I can see the real you,
the one who betraide,

can't belive you this putted me through,
now i see of what you're truly made

i'm allready on my way out of here,
so take a close look,
cuz all the sudde I'll dissapear

I won't miss you,
and that I know for sure,
I know that with the help of my firends I'll make it through
and you'll never see me no more.

how could you ever love me,
if all you gave me was open wounds

 / MF

I get sligthly scared.

When I turn around and you're not there,
I look around and no sign of you any where

I get slightly scared

I love you so and it hurted me so bad letting you go
but I'll always be near,
just vissel on me and I'll be there!

and if you don't I be slightly scared

I know I havn't been the best daugther,
I've made many decisions I now regret,
But now you're gone, Im not leting you go any futher
My love to you is no longer a secret.

and beacuse of that I get slightly scared

When you're tears are falling down,
I'll be the first to save you from falling and drown.
If you ever need me, just call my name and you get a answer
if you ever get lonley, trust me mummi I'll be there.

I love you, you're my angel,
You are beautiful, my savier,

and for your sake, I get slightly scared.

/ MF

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