Barley one day ago-

You left me, now I'm here not knowing what to do. Should I sitt around waitting for an excuse? Or should I try to move on?

Togheter almost 18 months, loving and joking, 5 minutes of anger and it was over... And you told me "you don't know how to look back huh?" Yeh right!
I can't say I'm angry, nor sad, I'm more confused right now. Was I of so low status for you? Did you speak before thinking or was you just beeing drunk and honest? Eather way, now I'm alone and you're the reason to that. I couldn't ever blame you, sence you made 18 months of my life, worth living. Now I'm not sure that I can do that anymore.

If this is goodbye, than thanks. Because you made my days to gold, and what ever happends I'll never forget you! <3

/ MF


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