Am I free or condemmed?

I'm not sad, cuz this has been the best 2 years of my entire life.
but at the same time, telling you those things hurts me like a knife.

You were my world, and you took me to a state of happiness
now, I feel that I can't give that back in any other way then sadness

I don't get how my love for you just faded so ungracefully,
and the only thing I felt inside the last month was missery.

Missery of not knowing how I felt,
and that hurted me proboebly more then the pain of the tears that fell.

You gave me love that I'm not sure I'll ever feel again,
so why did I leave you if all that I'm feeling right now is pain?

I couldn't stand of losing you, so in my mind I made it up,
that it would get better sometime and you'd just brooken up.

That would be easier, to feel that you were the one making me cry,
instead I turned it all around.

As I said, I loved you from the start,
and I never wanted to se us apart.

But at the time beeing, you and I aren't meent to be,
maybe it's all beacause of me...

I don't regret living whit you for 2  years,
cuz they where, and you are, unforgettable.  

I'll always love you, and you'll always be my first and only love. <3

 / MF

Postat av: Din Ämely <3

I love you <3

2008-09-10 @ 00:19:19

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