I can't stop thinking of you...

Not talking to you hurts,
to cry while thinking of you hurts,
to cry as I talk to you makes me ashamed...

Ashamed of beeing the one making the final decision,
to make you hate me and everything that we stod for.

We, you and me, the two of us...
What will become of me now that I'm only, me, myself and I?

Do I have the strenght to stand up alone,
to live by myself?

This is not what I intentended,
I wanted us to be happy,
to share the rest of our lives,
to love and never fall apart...

In my head I keep on thinking right back to the start,
wondering what made us change?

Well I tried but I had to draw the line,
but still this question keeps on spinning in my mind

what if I had never let you go,
would you be the man I used to know?
If I'd stayed,
if you'd tried,
if we could only turn back time...
but I guess we'll never know.


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