
What are you supposed to do,
when everything you once loved keeps abandening you,
if someone where to ask me
"please tell me 'bout everything you've been through"
I'd tell them, there's much more then what you see
this aint a farytail, this is me...

If i had not told you what he'd done, 
we'd still be a family, we'd be as one,
but my conciense wouldn't let me,
I could'nt know without telling you,
 maybe you're better of free,
but still, how're we supposed to make it through?

I love you mom, and I love my brothers and sisters, and ofcourse I've got the best friends in the world.
But right now, I can't take it anymore, it's to much... It always comes down to the famous words "it's all becuase of me", well, I've had enough...
 I'm not as strong as I used to be, and this is killing me.   

Postat av: Emily

Jag önskar jag kunde göra nåt så din smärta försvann, this is killing me to. Jag hatar att se dig såhär, jag älskar dig så oroligt obeskrligt mycket, jag vet att ni kommer klara det här <3<3<3 ni är starka!! om vi kan, så kan ni <3!

TAPPA ALDRIG HOPPET! Jag & min familj står bakom dig hela vägen, jag kommer aldrig låta dig falla på samma sätt som jag gjorde <3 jag vet att du kommer klara det här, även om de är svårt så, styrkan finns där! <3


2009-04-23 @ 20:25:38
URL: http://emilyekstrom.blogg.se/

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