lie after lie

What ever I do,
everything seems to smash back at me,
it wasn't my intention to love you,
I just wanted to stand back and see

I lost a best friend yesterday,
based on a desition I made,
thoug I told you what could be, your answer was to just say
"I knew this from the start,we've just been an ungraceful fade"

If everyone could see,
how much I lie to them,
everyday when they ask me how I feel,
I say I'm glad, yes I'm okey,

Just becuase my mom's home,
doesn't make things problem free,
I feel worse then what I did when she was gone,
maybe this is the way my life's supposed to be?

I want to be okey,
I want to be fine,
but now it's just like "hey,
I'm selfdestructive and pushing towards the line?!"

My problems didn't go away,
there's always something else,
and if it for one day just may,
I could live the life of someone else,
maybe then I wouldn't fuck everything up...

Everything I do just makes someone hurt,
I'm good to nothing,
I hate myself right now....


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