please say you'll stay!

I just found out that the life I'm living is a lie,
you're not going to be home,
you're going away,
not sure for how long,
it does'nt matter,
 I want you to stay!

I love you so much,
and everyting seems worthless without you,
can't you see what I'm going through?

I hate everything right now,
 all I can do is cry,

I don't want you to go,
and if you have to,
I'd stand by you're side,
thoug I don't want to see my last sight

I'm going out to school,
Thinking you where to trash the garbish,
I see you in handcoves,
and my mind gets thevoliched,
knowing that you're still my love appoliges

please don't leave, I can't take it nomore!
don'yt do that to me, I can't breath anymore!
don't do this to yourself, cuz I know you're not alive anymore,
on the inside you're dead,
thinking what you've done,
will make us put someone over you instead!
But I promise, You'll always be my nummber 1!!!

I love you mom!


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