make up ones mind...

I can ever make up my mind in weather I'm feeling down, or just happy?

I don't think so, there's to much going on, and I never got time to think of only me. But maybe that's for the best, considering I always put others first. I don't really care how I'm doing, as long as everyoneelse is fine. It's just, when I'm finally done with all my dutys and I got time for myself, I can't do anything but cry. Cry over how misserable my life really is, cuz seriously, you shoudln't be having it like this. And everyone that knows 'bout my situation just feels sorry for me. But can't they get it, I don't wanna be the one who's life is so screwed up that they HAVE to be with me just so I'm not alone. I'm fine, atleast without your sympathy!

This is my war, my pain and my life. And I'm strong enough to make it thorugh, just maybe right now.
It may take a while, but I'm ready.
You're going down, and you're not taking my with you this time!


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