
I feel like giving up,
but I'm not going to,
every time I feel sad, I just have to look up,
cuz I know you're there, and you're missing me too. 
you've been gone for to long now,
and I don't know why, but I've survied somehow,
the warmth of your arms are nolonger holding me,
but like you said, "it will be okey you'll see"

I havn't been okey, not glad, nore fine,
I've tomany times been ready to step over the line. 
I miss your scent, the sound of your voice,
but it's been worth the waiting, cuz I had no other choice.

You'll be back soon,
and I'm longing for the day to come,
when they realeses you from your room,
and you'll come back home

But promise me, once you're home agin,
never leave, cuz I wouldn't be able to take it,
without you I'm never gona make it.  

I know the world can be a scary place,
and it will be again,
but just let me do this by my own pace,
and it will be okey.


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