Will it never end?

What's your profit from hurting me like you do? 
when you know I'm a better person, not saying anything back to you.

Why do you even open your mouth if all you can say is mean?
but this time I'm not just sitting saying nothing, it's time to come clean.

That I've for a long time hated, is no secret to anyone,
 but must that meen I have to feel like I'm no one?

This is getting serious,
you only care for yourself, but never thinking 'bout the rest of us

Whatever I do, there's always something wrong,
and when I'm sick of it, and doesn't do anything, there's another mean song.

If I could for once feel loved by you,
that would meen the world to me...
but I'm not like you, I have feelings, I do,
what happens next, well, we'll just have to wait and see.


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