Do I dare?

If someone should tell me not to,
would I listen or do the opposite?
cuz right now I feel I really like you,
do  I dare to take a chance, and live with it?

The first time I saw you,
It was your eyes and lips I noticed first,
That pure glow and smile seemed so true
And the other girls talking to you, I immediately cursed

I admit I'm scared,
I don't know if I can handle a broken heart,
cuz even though it would be better if I didn't cared,
in these situations I'm not particularly smart  

I'm now sitting here wondering what could become,
If I'm just brave enough to go along
I feel better now, than I've done in a long time,
Feeling butterflies as I recall it, is not a crime.

But how far can you go,
and not touch the fine line,
in a way I want you to know,
that I want you to be mine.

How do I know what you feel for me,
when I'm not sure what I dare feel for you?

/ MF

Postat av: Bozi

I wonder who you are thinking of :)

2009-01-09 @ 20:41:46

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