How confused...

one second I'm glad,
the next I'm sad.

When I'm with my friends I'm laughing,
When I'm home alone I'm crying,

Crying cuz it hurts beeing alone,
to have to stand all on my own

But still, i'm not alone,
I know there's 2 beautiful friends that's mine,
but I don't wanna be a burden
so I don't let them see me cry....

Howsoever I wanna be able to open up,
but how am I supposed to do that,
when I can't even cry infront of me,
and have you any idea of how scary that can be...?

I used to be in control over my life,
now it seems that both the life and the control has flone its co-op.
I've lost faith in most things, I'm always living on the tipp of the knife,
It just feels there's no other opption than giving up...

Postat av: Sara

Jag älskar dig och kommer alltid finnas för dig <3

2009-01-15 @ 15:37:10

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