this is for you!

that makes my life worth living, you are 2.
when i'm not with you, I'm not even 1.

You can't imagine how much you meen to me,
and what I'd do for the 2 of you.

laughing, crying, it makes no sence,
when morning comes, we'll stay stronger then ever.
cuz we have eachother.

Sara, you are beautiful,
and even when you don't see that, you can always trust on me,
lending out my eyes for you to see, what I see every day!
your love is priceless. I love you!

Emily, you are strong.
and even if you would stumbel and fall,
I'd pick you up, and carry you to safety
I'd stay by your side until you answer my call,
I'¨d never let you down, cuz I love you "doll".!

Postat av: Emily

There is no me without you <3

lost for words, i cant explain how i feel for you, you are my everything, my light, my star..

i wouldnt last a minute without you by my you, forever and always <3

2009-01-18 @ 01:57:31

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