How do a person project herself in to someones thoughts?

If only you'd see me and try
be careful for expecting to much
I'm not perfect, and I'm not an all times high
I'm only me, here for you to see,
I can't answer if that's going to be enough,
even asking that question is for me tough,
What would you have to do for one to be accpeted,
accepted for ones true self,
so many times I've asked that question,
I'm still awating the answer, staring in to the wall with the shelf.
I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not,
I'm not going to make up lies over my weekend,
just to make it exciting when it may have been a flop,
I'm not going to change my clothes cuz you say so,
If Ilike them, I put them on and go
If different`s the only way to be seen,
no one's different if every one is,
no one is uniqe if every one follows the movie screen,
"beeing yourself is a bliss"
well, not to everyone.
Sometimes your true self is not enough,
it's not appriceated,
it's not okay,
When you die, you don't want people showing up for your funeral for free cake,
you want people who cared to attend, not someone who's fake.
You want to have left a dot in the markings of history,
you want to have had it all,
you don't want your life to everyone else seem like a mystery.
you wouldn't want to be seen as someone down the hall,
someone who just exsist,
but no one ever payed attention,
live like a realist,
and it will forfill your expectations.
When you leave, you leave for good,
you're not coming back.
Make your gift, your life happen,
and you will have a blast!

life can only be lived forward, but so only be understanded backwards.
/ MF

Postat av: Ellinor


Vad trevligt att du hittade till min blogg. Jag gillar din blogg.

Tack för senast


2010-06-02 @ 07:42:35

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