Jag förstod aldrig.

Jag förstod aldrig riktigt att det var allvar, att det faktiskt var slut.
Nu när jag tänker tillbaka på det, så förstår jag inte hur du bara kan kasta iväg 18 månader, en förlovning och massa kärlek. Du var mitt allt men du förstod aldrig det, liksom jag aldrig förstod att du en dag skulle såra mig som du nu gjort. Men varför? För att vi vuxit ifrån varandra? 
Jag klarar inte det här längre, jag orkar inte vara här...Det väcker så många minen.
Nu sitter jag och kollar på min förlovningsring, ingraverat står "Emil, 3/3- 07".
Jag orkar inte mer...

Now I've cried-

so why don't the pain go a way, why is it still there?
Maybe it's ment to be, maybe it depends on me.
For the moment I'm not sure, about anything anymore.
Why do love excist, when in the end, it's something that we all missed.
Love hurts, and that's the truth, but I still can't blame it on you.

/ MF

Barley one day ago-

You left me, now I'm here not knowing what to do. Should I sitt around waitting for an excuse? Or should I try to move on?

Togheter almost 18 months, loving and joking, 5 minutes of anger and it was over... And you told me "you don't know how to look back huh?" Yeh right!
I can't say I'm angry, nor sad, I'm more confused right now. Was I of so low status for you? Did you speak before thinking or was you just beeing drunk and honest? Eather way, now I'm alone and you're the reason to that. I couldn't ever blame you, sence you made 18 months of my life, worth living. Now I'm not sure that I can do that anymore.

If this is goodbye, than thanks. Because you made my days to gold, and what ever happends I'll never forget you! <3

/ MF

Now that I've cried for you, it doesn't seem any better...

Sitting in my room, all day long.
I'm sitting here singing, my own sad song.
A song about missery, a song about hope,
A song about problems, and how to cope

I want someone to love me,
I want someone to care,
But when I turn around to cry,
Nobody's ever there

I want a family
and some friends to call my own,
I want all these things,
So I don't have to be alone.

I'm hoping someone will love me,
I'm hoping someone will care,
I hear something and turn around,
and notice no ones there...


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